Ginoogaming First NationHealthcare
Ginoogaming Health Centre
Youth Program
We have 58 youth attending school. 21 attend Marjorie Mills public school, 18 attend Our Lady of Fatima and 19 attend Geraldton Composite High School. This year’s summer placement was at an all time high according to Ginoogaming First Nations employment records. More than 40% of our Youth or currently employed by Ginoogaming First Nation Band. The Ginoogaming First Nation Youth were approved for $ 6,500.00 from the Timber Claim Trust as of March 31, 2008. Approved funding went towards supplies and programs activities. In addition there was a donation of two computers for the Youth. Back in March of this year The Ginoogaming First Nation Youth were given an existing building formally known as The Training Centre to Develop into a Youth Centre. Over the past months minor renovations have been made. New and donated furniture from the community was given to the Youth Centre for a great head start. Unfortunately due to structure damage over the many years it has been a major setback and most importantly unsafe.
Youth Council Development A Youth Consultant was hired in July 2008 to assist Youth Worker to develop certain policies and procedures, in order to meet the needs of the Youth of Ginoogaming First Nation. Youth meetings were held to go over Youth Council Development tool kit provided from Nishnawbe-Aski Nation. The main objective of having a Youth Council is so that the Youth of Ginoogaming First Nation would have a unified voice with in our community.
Our future looks bright as community involvement is at an all time high Parental Involvement shows no sign of slowing down. Youth are seeking more and more positive influences. Community members are showing a more positive role model.
Furthermore, we together are committed in following with the vision of the Ginoogaming First Nation Chief & Council and following the words of our Chief in her address at the 2008 Annual Powwow, that our Youth are the most important and we will work together in building a strong positive atmosphere for our Youth to grow and be healthy for the future of both Ginoogaming First Nation and the Anishnawbe Nation.
Benefits of a Youth Council
- Learn how to work with other young people
- Build strong and lasting friendships
- Develop greater self-esteem and self-confidence
- Develop communication skills
- Develop organizational skills
- Gain self-worth and inner-strength to battle negative peer pressure
- Develop winning attitudes
- Learn how to take responsibility for their actions
- Contribute to making a difference in their community
- The Seven Sacred Teaching Conference in Thunder Bay, Ontario
- The 5th Annual Youth Symposium on The Environment in Timmins, Ontario
- A Memorial visit to Aroland First Nation Cemetery
- Caramat Fish Derby/Baseball Tournament
- Fort William First Nation Youth Rally, Thunder Bay, Ontario
- Teaching of our Elders “Giving back to our Youth Gathering”, in Constance Lake First Nation, Ontario
- Dilico Girls Camp, East Loon Lake, Ontario. Dilico Boys Camp, East Loon Lake, Ontario
- Ignite the 8th fire youth gathering held locally in both communities Ginoogaming/Long Lake #58
Children's Oral Health (COHI)
This is a very important program funded through Health Canada. COHI is the Children’s Oral Health Initiative, it is an early childhood tooth decay prevention program for children 0-7 years, their parents/caregivers and pregnant woman. COHI Services include annual screening, fluoride varnish applications, sealants and temporary fillings. A dental hygienist and COHI Aides deliver the program. Our program also provides care for over age children.
Since October 2017, we have had 62 children aged 0-7 years and 41 children aged 8-12 who have completed the program. Altogether, there was 103 children screened by the hygienist and applied fluoride varnish #1, and they will be seeing the children again this year to apply varnish #2. Healthy teeth, make healthy children. I would like to thank the COHI Aides Vanessa Legarde, Lana Echum and Charla Charles for their continued work and efforts in this program.